Welcome to California Cuddle Company

At the California Cuddle Company our mission is to help you feel better so you can change your world. We believe in the power of human touch. The power to heal, to comfort, to restore us to a harmonious state of well-being.

Platonic Touch or commonly known as snuggling or cuddling is a service offered to anyone in need of physical touch in a safe, loving, trusted environment. We want you to know that we are here with you, to feel connected, safe and cared for. It is non-sexual, compassionate intimacy that includes light massage, holding, caress, affection and deep attention.

Platonic touch or non-sexual affection is a cornerstone of our philosophy at the California Cuddle Company. Here you will receive deep attention through close physical contact. Personal, emotional and spiritual intimacy are the goals of our snugglers without any sexual agendas or contact. Touch is a vital part of the human condition. At California Cuddle Company, our goal is to help you feel as though you are wrapped in a bubble of affection.

We are trained to provide this service in a safe, compassionate and loving way. You can have the high-quality platonic cuddles you want. You can be held tight, gently massaged, caressed as you want. We know the importance of platonic relationships and encourage the relational aspects of a cuddle session. We want to be in relationship with you, a respectful, reciprocal, platonically intimate relationship. We know the importance of trust in relationships. Our integrity matters and your safety is important to us. That is why we have security cameras installed to ensure that safety is always at the forefront of our cuddle space.

Cuddling can be a peaceful haven. The benefits of touching have been demonstrated by many studies [Adriansyah, Sugandi, Sofia, and Prastika, 2018; Pike, 2018; Santos, 2023]. Cuddling does not only feel fantastic emotionally, but also physically. Physical contact with other human beings is absolutely necessary for our healthy growth and development. As babies, we need to be held and cuddled to stay alive and to thrive. As we reach adulthood, this need never goes away. Some of us need less of it as we age, some of us continue to need a lot, and it often changes over time or after positive or negative life events. Our trauma-informed practice is a strengths-based approach, which seeks to understand and respond to the impact of trauma on people's lives. Our approach emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone and aims to empower individuals to re-establish control of their lives. 

Some groups of people, such as those with autism or other neurological, or psychological differences, have difficulty remaining calm and functional without specific and routine types of touch. When these needs are not met, it can result in feelings of disconnection, isolation, and unworthiness of love. It can exacerbate depression, anxiety and chronic pain, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can cause people to make harmful decisions out of desperation for touch. It can undercut the will to continue living in the elderly, seriously ill, or suicidal.

Whatever your individual needs for appropriate touch-based interaction may be, they are perfectly natural and okay, and every person deserves to be able to find validation for them in a safe place. Bearing this point in mind, our mission is simple: to help bridge the gaps in individuals' tactile needs and to spread awareness about the importance of healthy, appropriate touch.